The new beginners drum book is out now!

You can view lots of the book’s content for free here on recent posts:


  • 35 pages in the drum book and 15 pages in the song suggestions booklet
  • PDF format with standard drum notation
  • Ability levels covers content from beginners up to an early intermediate stage (From Grade 1 to 3 or 4).


Introduction to Beginners Drum Book 2023

I have decided to include the year in the title because I have resigned myself to the fact that you can’t make a perfect drum book for beginners (to suit everyone at different ages, abilities and styles) and I’m probably going to have another go at a later date that has a lot of new content (not just a few tweaks). Maybe I could if I had some extended time to myself to work on it properly, but I’m quite busy with teaching and life, so I am going to go ahead and release this at 80% quality rather than never release it at all. I also think that when you are teaching as a career or for a length of time, you tend to crave something new to teach or work on after a while, so this is why I’ve made this book, for me and for other teachers. I’m hoping some people can use this book to teach themselves too, so I will make it as accessible as possible for this purpose, but some things may need to be researched as I don’t want to include loads of text in the book and bloat it out too much. I’m going to include all of the necessary notation that a teacher can use in the lessons and where I feel it necessary and helpful to many, I will make notes on stickings or hints and tips.

When I set up the book as a pre order with draft content included I had some really great suggestions and requests when I asked what people would like to see in the final book. Thanks so much to those people and I hope you like the additions I’ve made. For example I had quite a few requests for Latin style drumming, which I’ve tried to include but I need to learn more of this myself too in the future. Lots of people said they use my books for teaching so it was a good feeling to think of all the students that might be working on my content, and that also gave me a bit of responsibility when writing this book too. I also got requests for including song content, so I have spent time compiling a list of songs for you to learn and also included blank sheets for a teacher to write down parts from the songs to learn, or try to make notes yourself if you are working alone. You can find the playlist on Spotify called Beginners Drum Book 2023.