Intermediate Drum Beats Fills and Exercises

Intermediate Drum Beats Fills and Exercises

I’m currently working on a new intermediate drum ebook for release in Feb/March 2024. I’ve posted quite a few worksheets on pinterest, which can be viewed on the TL Music Lessons Pinterest. For a limited time (Up to the end of Feb 2024),...
Beginners Drum Book 2023

Beginners Drum Book 2023

The new beginners drum book is out now! You can view lots of the book’s content for free here on recent posts:   35 pages in the drum book and 15 pages in the song suggestions booklet...
Beginners Drum Book 2023

Beginners Drum Book 2023

To Drummers, I have a new drum book available for pre order, which includes some of the sheets that will be in the book when you pre order. I’m putting the price low, it’s only £1 to pre order and when it’s ready (by September this year),...