The Paradiddle. The most popular drum rudiment. So dramatic! Could be the flam actually. I’ll never look at the paradiddle in the same way, after a student asked a sporadic question “who created the paradiddle?”. I replied quickly with “Jerry...
For this exercise sheet, you will need some basic beginners reading knowledge of drum beats and drum fills. In the exercises, you will play 3 bars of drum beats, 1 bar of a drum fill and then repeat the exercise. There are 4 exercises on the sheet and each one can be...
Free PDF Download: Drum Practice Routines – Sheet 2 – Grade 1-2 It’s still the summer holidays and most people are taking a well deserved break. I’ve been on holiday and I’m fully relaxed but I have a few lesson days coming up so...
In this practice routine, we are covering many of the fundamental parts of grade 1 and grade 2 material. On the sheet we have a paradiddle 8 times (left handers need to play the opposite sticking). There are accents on 8th note snare drums and then moving onto a basic...
Here is a sheet that is ideal for drum teachers to give their grade 3-4 students to practice as ongoing homework for perhaps a half term, or 4-6 weeks. Rather than giving them something new each lesson to practice, this substantial sheet can be given to practice...
Sheets 1 to 10 are available as an ebook called 40 Beats and Fills Exercises Ebook, which consists of 10 drum exercise sheets with 4 exercises on each page. In that book, the exercises are all based on beats using the Hi Hat and playing a drum fill on bar 4, and then...
Guest Blog Post: Mia Johnson People don’t normally think of instruments when they consider ways to get fit. They’re usually left to the realm of artistic expression. You create music with them and that’s basically it. However, one instrument has proven itself...
Photo Credit: Mark Latham Guest Blog Post by: Playing drums requires a little bit more physical effort than many other instruments. While many instruments require correct breathing and fingering techniques, and some utilize pedals as well,...
I’ll start by saying I’m really pleased with this ebook! It’s a compilation of half a year’s work, which started out as making some fun and useful exercise sheets for my drum students. I would make one sheet every every couple of weeks or so...
Photo credit: Lindsey Bahia on Unsplash Guest Blog Post: Patrick Bailey A note from – Many thanks to Patrick for writing this article. I can certainly say that playing drums helped me get through my teenage years. I also think as an adult,...