Construction of a basic drum beat in 7 steps

Construction of a basic drum beat in 7 steps

We are going to learn a basic drum beat. It’s one that you will have heard before. I’m going to break it down into one thing at a time, or two things, and show you how it’s constructed. It’s a great way for beginners to learn how to play it,...
Accent Techniques – Down, Tap, Up, Full Strokes

Accent Techniques – Down, Tap, Up, Full Strokes

When you play accents, you should ideally use 3 different stick strokes. These are tap stroke, up stroke, and down stroke. Tap Stroke You would play a tap stroke if you have just played a quiet note with that hand, and the next note with that hand is another...
16th Note Hi Hat Grooves With Accents

16th Note Hi Hat Grooves With Accents

Here we have very basic snare and bass drum grooves, with challenging accented 16th note hi hat accent rhythms. The Hi Hats should be played with 2 hands, with the leading hand moving over to the snare drum on beats 2 and 4. Tip: You could play the accents on the Hi...
Subdivision exercise with linear drum fills

Subdivision exercise with linear drum fills

At grade 5-6 you should have good knowledge of triplets, 16th notes and sextuplets, and you will need to be able to switch seamlessly between them. This exercise works on changing between triplets, 16th notes, and sextuplets like usual subdivision exercises, but with...
10 Drum Fills lasting 1 bar – Grade 1

10 Drum Fills lasting 1 bar – Grade 1

Start going through the sheet slowly, and work up to being able to practice this sheet all the way through as one exercise. You might want to brush up the Reading Drum Notation sheet to help with reading this sheet. Related: 10 Beginners drum fills lasting 1 bar...
10 Beginners drum fills lasting 1 bar

10 Beginners drum fills lasting 1 bar

Play Right hand on all crotchets (1/4 notes), and Right Left on all of the Quavers (8th Notes) – (opposite for left handers). Young beginners players could count the crotchets as Tea, and the quavers as “Cof-fee”. You might want to brush up the...
10 Short Drum Fills Lasting 2 Beats Each

10 Short Drum Fills Lasting 2 Beats Each

Slowly play the Snare twice then Tom 1 twice. Snare, High Tom, Floor Tom. To play this fill, you have to do a flam on the snare drum and then a flam on tom 1 for 1 beat each. To play this drum fill, play a flam on Tom 1 then a flam on the floor tom, lasting for 1 beat...
12 Bar Blues Shuffle – Easy

12 Bar Blues Shuffle – Easy

A simple shuffled drum groove with a triplet based drum fill on bar 12. Shuffle is another word for Swing. This can be played at various tempos and is something you could play or improvise around at a blues jam night.