Snare Drum Subdivisions Exercise – 8ths, Triplets & 16th Notes
8th note Subdivisions You need to play 2 snare drums per beat. Put a metronome on a slow tempo (60-80) and try to play the right hand on every click. Then with your left hand, try to add a beat in between the right hands. When you do that you will be playing 2 snares...
Learning How To Read and Play Subdivisions
Put the metronome on at 60pm and try to play this sheet. Line 1 will be 1 note per click. Line 2 will be 2 hits per click (stricking R L R L). Line 3 will be 4 notes per click (again, R L R L sticking). Line 4 and 5 are duplicates of line 1 and 2, so follow the...
(Premium) – 10 Pages of Accent Exercises with 16th notes – PDF ebook
Buy Now → 10 pages of 16th note accent exercises, which includes accents and doubles around the kit. This ebook is designed to help progress technique and explore creative concepts by moving sticking exercises around the kit in various different ways. Most exercises...
Easy beginners snare drum piece – sight reading exercise with crotchets and quavers
There are just two note grouping patterns (if you can count the 1st one), and the whole snare drum piece uses various combinations of these. Most beginners pick this up quite quickly, and it’s a great way for them to understand the ‘twice as fast’...
How to read musical signposts – Repeats
In this reference sheet, you will learn about Repeat Bars, Alternative Endings (1st time bar, 2nd time bar etc) and various other repeat markings that you will encounter reading drum notation / drum sheet music. Related: How to read musical signposts – CODA and...
How to read musical signposts – CODA and Segno
Segno (The Sign) Coda (CODA) Dal Segno (D.S.) Go to the sign Da Capo (D.C.) Go back to the beginning D.S. al Coda Go to the sign, then follow ‘To Coda’ marking D.C. al Coda Go to the beginning, then follow ‘To Coda’ marking D.S. al fine Go to...
Understanding Notes and Rests in Music Notation – Reference Sheet
This is a reference sheet for students of all ages and abilities at whatever stage they are at with their instrument. It’s a handy printable sheet, which could be displayed on a wall at home or in a classroom. Learn and revise the names of all of the note values...
Reading Drum Notation
Here are some useful guides to reading drum sheet music notation that is used for most of this website.