5 Blues Drum Fills for the 12th Bar music stops

5 Blues Drum Fills for the 12th Bar music stops

These are some quick drum fills we came up in a lesson with for use with ‘Mean Jumper Blues’ (Grade 2 Trinity Rock & Pop). There is one bar that asks you to make up a drum fill, which is at the end of a blue progression. Often the music stops on the...
10 Reggae Drum Beats for Beginners

10 Reggae Drum Beats for Beginners

These drum beats are for any ability, even complete beginner. I would however recommend learning pop and rock first. For example: 10 Basic Rock Drum Beats. Reggae beats often have an emphasis on beat 3 of the bar. Usually this is from the bass drum or bass drum and...
(Premium) – Grade 3-4 Drum Book with 17 Drum Lesson Sheets

(Premium) – Grade 3-4 Drum Book with 17 Drum Lesson Sheets

Buy Now → People that might find this book useful – Drum teachers can print the book or single sheets for their students. – Drummers can teach themselves following on from a strong basic foundation in reading and playing Contents Highlights Subdivisions,...
Drum Solo 1 – Performance Piece

Drum Solo 1 – Performance Piece

This sheet is the first drum solo in my drum solos ebook 10 Drum Solo Performance Pieces Grade 1-3. The sheet music is fairly easy to play for Grade 1-2 drummers. Make sure to follow the stickings (reverse if you are left handed), note the repeats and make sure to...
Funk Grooves – Grade 5

Funk Grooves – Grade 5

You’ll need to be able to read the sheet music to play these funk drum grooves. These funky beats are versatile and can be played in various scenarios or even different styles of music. Use these funk drum beats for some new inspiration or ideas for adding flare...
5 beginners classic rock drum beats with counting method

5 beginners classic rock drum beats with counting method

These 5 rock drum beats with quarter note hi hats were written to support my students learning the drum beats on Page 13 of Grades 1-2 Beats & Fills Drum Book – Unit 1 – Rock Pop Soul Funk – PDF Ebook, or as a standalone exercise sheet prior to...
3 bars of drum beats in 4 with open hi hats + 1 bar fills

3 bars of drum beats in 4 with open hi hats + 1 bar fills

The drum fills now last for a whole bar, so we are now only playing 3 bars of drum beats. This prepares the student for another real world example of a different length of fill within a drum beat phrase. You’ll need to be able to sight read these because they...