Sheet 2 – Inside the book: 40 Beats and Fills Exercises Book 2
PDF Ebook Buy Now → Next Page: Sheet 3 → Here is page 7 inside the book (40 Beats and Fills Exercises Book 2). This sheet includes 4 drum beat and drum fill exercises with stepped hi hats on all 4 beats of the bar. The right hand is playing the ride cymbal and the...
Sheet 1 – Inside the book: 40 Beats and Fills Exercises Book 2
PDF Ebook Buy Now → Next Page: Sheet 2 → Here is part 3 of inside the book: 40 Beats and Fills Exercises Book 2. We have 4 exercises, consisiting of drum beats and drum fills, with 4 way coordination. The stepped hi hat plays on every exercise, so we are using...
Intermediate Drum Warm-Up – Part 2
Following on from the Grade 1-3 Drum Lesson Warm Up posted recently, and the intermediate drum warm-up Part 1 for drummers that have reached a higher level of ability (about Grade 4-6 +), here is the second part of the Intermediate drum warm up. This second part of...
Intermediate Drum Warm-Up – Part 1
You may also be interested in this drum book: Intermediate Beats Fills and Exercises, which focusses on Rock, Pop, Funk, and progressive styles. Following on from the Drum Lesson Warm Up posted a few days ago, this intermediate drum warm-up is for drummers that have...
Drum Lesson Warm Up
5 warm up exercises for the start of a drum lesson. Sticking patterns, drum beats, drum fills and beats with 4 way co-ordination. These exercises that would be a good warm up at the start of a drum lesson or at the start of a drum practice session. Anyone from Grade 1...
Sheet 2 – Drum Exercises for Beginners – Grade 1
Welcome to the second in the series of ‘Drum Exercises for Beginners – Grade 1’. You may like to listen to the audio to help understand the sheet music. There are short repeated exercises in the following categories, which are ideal for practicing on...
Sheet 1 – Drum Exercises for Beginners – Grade 1
Welcome to the first in the series of ‘Drum Exercises for Beginners – Grade 1’. There are short repeated exercises in the following categories, which are ideal for practicing on your own, or for using by drum teachers as part of a lesson plan. You...
8 advanced warm up exercises for drums with patterns and subdivisions
The exercises on the drum notation are for grade 5-8 players. By reading the list of exercise below, you can begin to see clearly how easy they are. This exercise sheet can be used as a continuous warm up exercise. The ability level would be measured on timing and...